"A love poem, an ode to motherhood, this sweet and touching book will speak to children who have or want a pet, as well as to their parents."School Library Journal

by Diane Adams, illustrated by Claire Keane
Chronicle Books, 2017

Perfect for any fond gift or tender moment, this story of a girl and a duckling who share a touching year together will melt hearts old and young. In this tenderly funny book, girl and duckling grow in their understanding of what it is to care for each other, discovering that love is as much about letting go as it is about holding tight. Children and parents together will adore this fond exploration of growing up while learning about the joys of love offered and love returned.

Washington Post Review
Standard Journal Review
Other Reviews: Here Wee Read, The Baby Bookworm

About the illustrator: Claire Keane was an animator on the movie Frozen. Her grandfather is Bil Keane, creator of the cartoon, Family Circus.

watch emily arrow's video


series written by Diane Adams, illustrated by Charlene Chua


This original board book series, which begins with America's favorite pastime--baseball--is sure to be a home run with the youngest of readers and the sports-loving grown-ups in their lives.

Ages 0-2, families, sports & recreation, books in rhyme



“The simple, soothing rhythms and rhymes of this lovely book reveal profound and comforting truths about childhood and beyond. It is a perfect book to read to young children and to give to older ones as they begin to learn to read themselves. The illustrations are beautiful, and well suited to the text." ―

by Diane Adams, illustrated by Paige Keiser
Chronicle Books, 2014

I'll bathe you in bubbles and soak you in sun,
then wrap you up tightly when bath time is done.

With two loving hands, an adoring mother cradles her baby after bath time and a devoted father lifts his newborn to look into a nest. Sister, brother, grandma, and grandpa all can't wait to share what they love best with their newest family member.

And when it is time to step out into the world, this caring family is right there alongside their littlest one. In simple, heartfelt language, this soothing picture book for the very young will tug at the heartstrings and remind us all of the caring hands that helped us along our way.

Watch emily arrow's video


by Diane Adams, illustrated by Nancy Hayashi
Peachtree Publishers


by Diane Adams, illustrated by Nancy Hayashi
Peachtree Publishers

Emily Pearl already knows a lot. She can count to fourteen. She can write her own name. She can tell what is different and what is the same. And she's still quite sure she can do things herself. Not only that, she wants to be the perfect helper for her new teacher, Ms. Glenn.

But while Emily is mastering all sorts of skills, she does need a little help herself every now and then - especially at the end of the day, when she's waiting to get picked up and is just a little bit scared.

“Hayashi’s illustrative riffs add to the charm with her soft-palette watercolors… Children will appreciate this relatable tale with likable characters.”School Library Journal


Emily Pearl is a very big girl. She can pour her own juice. She can tie her own shoes. She can feed her goldfish. She can even curl her own hair. Whenever her mother tries to help, Emily says, "I can do it myself!"

But even a very big girl like Emily can sometimes feel a teeny bit small, especially at bedtime when dark shadows creep across the walls of her bedroom. Lucky for Emily, her mom understands and gives her a helping hand.

Young children will surely recognize themselves in Diane Adams's delightful, rhyming story of one child's determined quest for independence. Nancy Hayashi's charming illustrations complement the text, colorfully capturing the chaotic ups and downs in the life of a preschooler.

"Both for story times and one-on-one sharing, this tale is told in a fresh, yet familiar way."School Library Journal 


“The text, which consists of brief rhyming couplets, successfully carries the action. Luthardt's quirky acrylic cartoons make effective use of bright colors and crisp lines and should have substantial child appeal.”School Library Journal

by Diane Adams, illustrated by Kevin Luthardt
Peachtree Publishers

Click-click-clacking up the track. Sinking lower, peering back. Slowly climbing to the top. Edging closer toward the drop; A timid young boy joins his eager father for a ride on a roller coaster. After zigzagging through the line, the pair boards the DinoCoaster for a fast-paced ride that takes them lurching and tilting upside down, round and round. When the roller coaster finally comes to a stop, the excited young boy is ready for another ride, but his queasy father has other ideas.

“[Luthardt's] amusement-park palette and boldly geometric acrylics pop with energy...” Publishers Weekly



written by Stephanie Stuve-Bodeen, illustrated by Diane Adams
Published by the Friends of San Pablo National Wildlife Refuge

Salty is searching for a habitat; Salty is searching for a home. Join Salty as she searches for a home that is just right for her! Learn what a habitat is and how important it is for Salty to find the right one. You will meet other wildlife that live in habitats around Salty, so enjoy the adventure with Salty as she finally finds her home in San Francisco Bay!

A Home for Salty is available at: Retail price $6.99 plus tax.

Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge
Visitor Center
1 Marshlands Road
Fremont, CA 94536
510 792-0222